Friday, August 22, 2008

Epic Meeting

Started in the Fall of 2001 with Me, Jay and Alvin...after a few months Ivan came on board. When Alvin graduated and moved to Philly Micah was added. We've been a group of 5 for over 4 years now. Until yesterday we had never met as a group of 5. One of us has been gone each time....either abroad or at school...Yesterday was the epic day...Meeting up at the place of our birth...Pho 54. The first to arrive was Jay Lee followed by myself, Ivan and then Micah. We were sure something horrible was going to happen to Alvin to keep our streak of never meeting as a whole group. Of course we were disappointed and Alvin came rolling up a few minutes later. It will definitely be awhile until we can meet up as a whole group again since Ivan goes back to China next week and Alvin back to Boston in October. But it happened....


christie said...

still no picture of all 5 of you??? I'll have to be sure to get one of all of you at Jay's wedding!

Unknown said...

actually, I am in in the picture...look harder =P