Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 30th, 2008 - Jay and Laura's Wedding

Jay and Laura got married yesterday. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day in Southern California. I had the privilege of being one (of the many) groomsmen. A few funny moments from the day.

1. As gift for the Groomsmen, Jay bought various bottles of cologne, one of which was David Beckham Instinct. Needless to say that was the highlight of Micah's day.

2. The flowers not showing up until a few minutes after the ceremony was supposed to start. I think we started almost half an hour late.

3. Jay doing a fist pump after kissing Laura. They are definitely very cool and laid back people who just love to have fun.

4. One of the bridesmaids was not feeling well standing up, so during the ceremony she had to go sit down, which meant Alvin and Kumar had to walk down the aisle together without a bridesmaid. (they actually walked one in front of the other, but we'll always remember it as them walking hand in hand)

5. During the photos with the groomsmen, Jay thought it would be a great idea to fun full speed towards the camera. We found a little hill and got some shots. Unfortunately on our second "run" Jay totally ate it going down the hill. This was after we explicitly told him, "Jay, don't get hurt running down the hill." His only thought was, "Oh no! My tux is going to get jacked!"

6. At the reception - In the middle of the first dance, the music changed and Jay and Laura broke out into a whole dance routine that they had practiced. It was pretty awesome.

5. Being gathered with friends to celebrate such a joyful occasion. It was great seeing people I hadn't seen in many years and catching up with them.

Here are some pics from the wedding

And....I finally got a pic with me and Christie. Now we're friends!

Here's the Link to the Rest of the Pics

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha...nice! Thanks for putting up the pics and the play-by-play. I was glad to have you there as part of my "entourage".