Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Seattle September 11-15, 2008

Had my first trip out to Seattle. It was a great time. I'll try to make the writing short.

Thursday - Leave house at 5am and arrive at my hostel around 1130. Walk down to Space Needle/Pacific Science Center/Ride the Ducks of Seattle Tour.

PSC - Imax on beavers - learned that beavers are freakin' awesome! went to Planetarium and saw some dinosaurs....

Ride the Ducks - 30 minute tour on land, 60 minute tour on Lake Union

Space Needle - bought 2 time pass (was only $4 extra) went up and hung out there for a few hrs getting some good night shots.

Walked back to Hostel and met up with April and Marsha around 11 when they arrived.


morning - Woke up and had some Breakfast

Underground Tour - Walked over to Pioneer Square for the Underground Tour - a good history of Seattle

Back up to Pike Place Market for a late lunch

Walked down to Space Needle again and hung out there till sunset - Some guy proposed right next to me during a tour up top.

Met up with Tim and Brenda and had dinner at Serious Pie - some of the greatest pizza I've ever had.

After dinner we walked back to the hostel and I grabbed my stuff to go home with Tim and Brenda. April and Marsha stayed at the hostel and spent saturday wandering around downtown Seattle (I hear they spent 3 hrs at Macy's)


Woke up early in the morning and headed out for a hike to Snow Lake.

Got home and watched the Notre Dame game (Tim's a huge fan) and then just rested at the house for the afternoon. Brenda make some home grown dinner - blue scalloped potatoes, zucchini, was delicious! Then we played some Mexican dominos and called it a night.


Woke up and Tim and Brenda drove me to the bus station where I caught a bus and headed back into downtown.

Went to the Aquarium for a few hrs

Then I went on a boat tour of the harbor. During the cruise the Seahawks games started and the fighter jets flew over after the national anthem. I got to see it from the boat.

Met back up with April and Marsha and we went to the Experience Music Project/Science Fiction Museum. the EMP was aweseome. Saw Jimmy Hendrix's first guitars and learned how Martin and Gibson got started along with their first model guitars. The SFM was also fun.

April and Marsha left for the airport around 630 and I went back and took another nap until 930 at night. Woke up and got a few night shots before going to bed.

Took an HDR shot of the First Starbucks


Woke up early on Monday and had some breakfast and walked around Pike Place Market for a little while getting some shots. Went inside the Starbucks and got some shots.

Around 11:15 I met up with Tim and his coworker. Tim worked just a few blocks from my hostel. We had some good Thai food.

After lunch I walked another mile and ended up at the Qwest/Safeco Field. From there I caught the bus back to the airport and flew homw.

For more pics CLICK HERE

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