Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Finding the Perfect Fit

I have never been good at puzzles.  From the time I was young I never had the patience to match each piece together to create the big picture.  Often, in frustration I would resort to trying to force pieces together.  Sometimes if the two pieces were part of a sky or something of a solid color, it seemed like it would be fine in the end.  I learned that in order to get the puzzle to look the best, each piece need to find where it fit so that when they're all in place and you step back, you can see what the puzzle was intended to look like.
Interestingly enough, my life has looked similar to this situation.  I sometimes try so hard to force myself to fit into a section of the puzzle.  This can be in a social group, an area of ministry or even at work.  I do this because it is where I believe I can be the most effective.  When I find that I am forcing myself into a portion of the puzzle that I do not belong to it can be easy for me to give up, but I remember that the one in charge of the puzzle is putting everything together.  He is the Lord and in His time he will place me exactly where I am supposed to be.  Once He does that, the picture is complete and it is beautiful.  Allow the Lord to place you in the place where you become a part of the picture that He is trying to create through His church.

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