Friday, August 30, 2013

My Shape

10 years ago I took a step of faith and headed down to Argentina for 6 weeks on a short term missions trip. Little did I know that this would be a trip that would shape my life going forward. From that point of my life I developed a heart for the nations, put myself on a track to meet amazing people from all over the world, some of whom are the people I turn to in my deepest time of need, gave me a deep appreciation and love for the Latin American culture and Spanish, lead me to have a heart for the inner city and having meaningful, intentional relationships.

Are you someone who believes that Short Term Missions does not have high value? I would not be the person I am today if I hadn’t taken that small step. Any of the encouragements I’ve said and ministries I have been involved with would not have happened. I would not be able to live comfortably in uncomfortability and my life would have less impact on this world.

It all started with 1 decision to go. What’s God calling you to do? Are you willing to make that small step today so that it can shape you who will be in 10 years?