Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Where Will You Be When the Spirit Moves?

I had the opportunity to share with my church congregation this past Sunday about the ministries that I have been involved with locally.  I received an email with bold letters reminding me the importance of sticking to the 5 minutes allotted to me.

My first thought was, "How can I say what I want to say in just 5 minutes??"

There were so many points and exhortations that I wanted to make.  Originally my pastor wanted me to simply share what I've done and how others can get involved.

Of course I decided that those things would not be the main focus of my sharing, but rather I would share about why I go out and do the things I've done.

What I came up with was this statement:
The Spirit is going to move, where will you be when this happens?
I shared a few reasons and outcomes of going out and sharing Jesus

1. Showing love is one of the only things that cannot fail
  • Programs and strategies will constantly fail and need to be rethought, but if at the end of the day you someone was able to experience Christ's love through something you did, then you were successful
2. When you give away Jesus, you get more of Him in return
  • When we give Jesus away we begin to see and understand a side of Him that can only be seen by giving.  Through this God becomes bigger in our eyes.  
3. Loving people makes life simple
  • When you try to think about what career you should pursue or what things to invest in, life becomes stressful and complicated.  In Micah 6:8, God makes our lives simple.  He tells us to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly.  
I then listed various things I have been involved with the past 2 years
  • Helped open a school in Watts
  • Music workshop in South Central Los Angeles and Fullerton
  • Spending time with teens at a teen center in LA
  • Leading worship in Spanish for inner city church plants
  • Taught computer class once a week for a semester in an inner city middle school
  • Chaperoned an outdoor ed trip for inner city 7th graders
  • Helped wrap Christmas presents for an affordable Christmas store in Los Angeles
  • Prepared and distributed food for people in need
  • Worked with teens during a summer program in Fullerton
I closed with this word
"The Spirit is going to move.  Where will you be when it happens?  Will you be safe in the walls of this church or will you be out there ready to catch the train of His robe and a glimpse of His glory?"