Monday, October 25, 2010

Human Side of People

We are brought up to be strong people. In Asian culture we are taught to never look bad or weak in front of people. This becomes a major weakness in Asian Christians. We often feel like we have to put up a front at church or amongst our christian brothers or sisters. What does this result in? It results in a lot of hurt and pain going unresolved. People in a group experiencing the need for healing and ultimately feeling lost and/or alone. It is a major blessing when I get to meet the human side of people. The human side is a side that most people are afraid to show. It's the side that shows that they have pains that run deeper than anyone would expect. It could pain that they are dealing with at the moment, or pains that they have gone through in the past. Pride and arrogance keep them from progressing in their walk with the Lord. I've had the blessing to have a number of people tell me "You know I've never told anyone this" to me and yet it happened as a part of normal conversation in me seeking them out and sharing my pains and how God was humbling me. There is a big sense of freedom when we can actually see and understand that we are not alone in our sufferings. It is a blessing to see the human side of people and then to see those who old onto Jesus and His promises. I am encouraged and challenged when I see "humans" persevere and I grieve for those who feel shame and need to hide their hurt and pain. It angers me that society so easily makes its way into church and tells people that they need to be strong or they are not good people.