Monday, October 20, 2008

SF Shooting with Cousin Timmy

Went up north this past weekend. It was a good time hanging with family. Saturday morning I drove down to Half Moon Bay to go to the Pumpkin festival. The original plan was to meet up with Tim around 1 and take some shots at Pescadero, but traffic was really bad. I met up with Kevin and Joie at the festival and we waited for Will "the thrill" Clark to come around for the parade. Will is Kevin's all time baseball hero, so he was dang excited. Before the parade he kept on pacing up and down the street with his baseball in hand hoping for an autograph. Long story short, we found out from a security guard that he was not going to sign any autographs at all. This was the only reason why they had gone down to the festival, so Kevin still had his hopes up. We waited at the beginning of the parade to see what would happen.

When he passed by on the car, he had security guards surrounding the car so no one could rush him. Once he passed Kevin walked over to where the parade would end which was just a block away. When he turned the last corner we saw that people were going up to him for autographs. Kevin got all excited and ran up to the car with Joie not too far behind him. Quickly trying to get his ball and book in front of Will's hands so he would grab at it he had no luck and the car kept going. That lasted for about a minute and then there were no people left, so the car began to speed up. Kevin started to look like his life was over...

all hope was lost and he started to slow down thinking that he had come all this way and his hero had not come through for him. I was always about 15 feet away from the car and was now walking behind it. I decided to yell out "One more will!" and the Security guard looked at will and said, "Sign it for this guy, he's been following you since the beginning of the parade". So the car slowed down and Kevin smile lit up again and they ran to the car and got an autograph on the ball and the book.

My next stop was meeting up with Tim who decided not to drive out to HMB because the traffic was too bad. Instead I met him about 30 minutes outside of the town.

We headed to my house for a quick lunch and started our day of shooting. Our first stop was our cousin Becky's soccer game. Apparently they don't keep score anymore in little league. They just play for fun. What up with that?! Doesn't make sense to me. When we got to the field, the game had already started and Becky was already on the sideline. She kept getting excited and wanting to play, so she would run onto the field and the coach would have to yell at her to get back. We tried to get different angles from the field.

Our main subject for the day was the Golden Gate Bridge. We spent a big chunk of time trying to get some good shots at different places. Our first shot was not the greatest place to stop, so we only stayed there for about 5 minutes while taking some quick snappy snaps...

Our next stop was China Beach. I guess this is a pretty famous spot for photographers. There were multiple photo shoots going on while we were down there.

Then I met up with my family for some dinner on pier 1 1/2. The restaurant was a Peruvian restaurant called La Mar. It was quite delicious.

Tim went to go eat with him mom and Yumi who were in the city with his Grandma, so we met up aftewards and went to vista point (the last exit before crossing the bridge). Here I shot my HDR photos. I think only one of them turned out well, but it was fun anways. Hard to get good shots when it's windy and I have a cheap tripod. We thugged it up for the camera.

This HDR consists of 10 different exposures.

Our last stop was Treasure Island. We would have liked to have stayed there longer, but it was extremely windy and cold. It was great though because it was a vey clear day and you could see all of downtown and the Bay Bridge.

And that was my Saturday. Spent Saturday night at Tim's new house and went to his church on Sunday before headed back to my parents and heading home. I'd say it was a very good trip!

This is pretty much most of my pictures, but if you would like to see all of them CLICK HERE